Payment, Refund & Cancellation
- Full payment is required for all orders.
- You are responsible to make the right amount for payment, no refunds will be made for incorrect payment amount.
- All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- If there are reasonable grounds of refund, we will not be able to support the full refund as payment is secured through a third-party company which takes 3% fee for payment process.
- You agree to pay for every order made and agree to indemnify us for all claims, costs, losses and damages whatsoever which we may suffer, sustain or incur in connection with and/or arising out of your placing orders including during any stage of our delivery service.
- We reserve the right to amend, cancel or decline your order, and we will notify you the reason for it. We will not be liable if we amend, cancel or decline your order or if we become unable to fulfill any order for whatsoever reason.
- If we are unable to fulfill your order due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond our control, we will notify you as soon as possible with full refund.